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Looking to swiftly discern whether someone might be a kitten scammer? Try this: Request the breederā€™s vetā€™s phone number. Then, dial up the vet and inquire if the breeder is indeed their client and if they specialize in breeding Bengal cats. Itā€™s a straightforward method! You can find our vetā€™s information on our website.

Tips to safeguard yourself from potential scams when acquiring a Bengal Cat:

1) For absolute assurance that the person youā€™re dealing with genuinely possesses the cat, ask them to capture a video of the kitten while stating your name. Insist on this personalized touch, as videos can easily be lifted from other sources. If uncomfortable, mention a friendā€™s unfortunate scam experience to justify your request. Any reputable breeder should readily comply. Failure to provide such a video should raise red flags.

2) Contact TICA at (956) 428-8046 to confirm if the breederā€™s cattery is registered. If not, refrain from making any payments. Even if registered, ensure youā€™re communicating with the actual cattery owner, as not all breeders are listed on TICAā€™s website.

3) Mere cattery registration isnā€™t sufficient. Scammers have been known to hijack photos and create fake email addresses mimicking legitimate breeders. Cross-verify the email address provided by the breeder with TICAā€™s records.

4) Verify the authenticity of the photos theyā€™re using. Utilize Google reverse image search to identify if the images appear elsewhere online, which could indicate theft.

5) Exercise caution if the breeder lacks a Facebook presence. Most legitimate businesses maintain active social media profiles. Scrutinize the age and engagement of their Facebook and Instagram accounts for authenticity.

6) A credible breeder should have a professional website. Beware of hastily assembled websites, often indicative of scams. Pay attention to linguistic inconsistencies, especially if communicating with individuals exhibiting poor English skills.

7) Request the breederā€™s vetā€™s contact information for reference. Legitimate breeders readily provide this information. Our vet is Dr. Walter at Denham Springs Animal Hospital, reachable at 225-665-8271.

8) Engage in direct phone conversations with the breeder. Scammers typically avoid phone calls or may struggle with language barriers.

9) Exercise caution if the price seems unusually low. Quality Bengal kittens typically fetch upwards of $1000. Suspiciously low prices, often accompanied by promises of free shipping, should raise alarms.

10) Avoid purchasing kittens from platforms like Craigslist. Reputable breeders are typically registered with TICA and maintain professional websites.

11) Beware of emotional manipulation tactics. Scammers might fabricate sob stories to elicit sympathy and expedite transactions.

Given the prevalence of photo and video theft, exercise increased vigilance when seeking a Bengal kitten. For those considering multiple breeders, our ā€œHow to Choose a Bengal Breederā€ guide offers valuable insights to aid in your decision-making process.

Websites for reporting or verifying Bengal kitten scams:

ā€“ PetScams.com: A dedicated platform to combat kitten and puppy scams, featuring a list of known scammers and avenues for reporting.

ā€“ Facebook group ā€œHeads Up ā€“ SCAMMERS & Bad Bengal Buyers and Sellersā€: Utilize the search function to investigate specific catteries or breeders for any negative feedback. Additionally, information regarding questionable buyers is available.

ā€“ www.usa.gov/stop-scams: Report suspected scams to the government through this official portal.

We empathize with those who have encountered scams and strive to assist in preventing further incidents. As a precaution, we now watermark all our media content.